Well I am going for the last cuople days of the season this weekend. After I'm done I'm gonna load it up and bring it home to make some adjustments.
1. square it up so all sides are equal.
2. add some to the bottom to raise the roof
would like to get high enough to stand.
3. I had an idea to get some used carpet and line
the inside to help with the wind and noise.
4. maybe a tarp on the roof to shed the rain.
5. got to find a better seat than what i have been
using (cheap walmart bag chair).
I forgot to mention last week that I made a make shift heater that worked suprizingly well. Used an old coffee can one of the smaller metal ones. Take a roll of unscented white toilet paper pull the cardboard out. Stuff it in the coffe can. Then pour about 12 ounces of 70% rubbing alchohol in. DO NOT USE MORE THAN 70% It could burn your eyebrows off
Just light it and it will burn like a candle sucking the alcohol out of the paper. When the paper starts to brown around the edges your about out of alcohol.
It burned for a little over an hour per fill and actually kept it to a bearable temp inside my blilnd and it was 27 degrees that morning. I think with the addition of the carpet it will be pretty dadgum toasty in there. If you use this heater design use it at your own risk. I suggest Google alcohol heater and research it first.
I also have been asked to build a stand/blind for someone who has only has one leg and painful to raise arms above head. 15 to 20 ft with some kind of lift system that is stable and insulated wouldn't hurt.
So if you have any ideas please leave a comment.